Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009 Hello 2010

2009 has been great. Learned many lessons and met wonderful people who inspire me to be better but accepted me for who I am. Many questions answered and prayers fulfilled. God is graceful. If there is anyone that is undeserving of His love, it is hands down, me.

For 2010, I hope to witness and be apart of a revival. To take up the cross and start the promising journey God has in store for me. I pray for change, for eyes to be opened, for hearts to be healed and forgiven.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Sunday

What a beautiful sunday today was. The weather was crisp and fresh. The birds greeted me with their chirping, reminding me to be grateful. Went to church for the first time in hmm about seven weeks? I needed a break from the church and I needed to study for school. I know... excuses, excuses. But now I have my priorities in order. No more skipping church!
This week is dedicated to God's glory. I have to study this whole week. I am happy that it is my last week of winter break. I am excited for winter quarter :) The only thing I regret about my break is that I wasted so much time on me. I watched tv, slept till past noon, gained so much weight, spent so much money on food, and wasted so much time on useless things. I wish I could go back and start over again but it doesn't work like that huh? I am a much better person with the lessons I've learned and I am thankful.

Friday, December 25, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Many blessings to you! Next year i promise to get ready for christmas early.
I received more than i gave which is God's demonstration of His grace yet again.
Next year, I will hopefully get to do more than sit around at home alone on christmas ( my mom and dad went out with family to the spa). Maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

to love means to let go

I apologized to an ex-friend on facebook two days ago. I haven't talked to this person in four years. I've seen this person several times in the past but I couldn't make peace with her. I still have not received a response letter and I don't blame her. The same day I wrote an apology letter, I finished reading Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll. A Pastor gave it to me a year ago but I coudn't bring myself to read it until I was ready. The book spoke to me and it was the first book I devoured in such a short time frame (i finished it in two days). Anyway this book and some of the sermons I've been listening to online, inspired my faith. I just wanted to make peace with the past. I've realized that there are just too many people I have wronged. I can't help but feel discouraged. I kept thinking the past will hinder the plans God has in store for me. But then I remember that by God's grace in Jesus Christ i am forgiven. The legalist in me says you need to seek forgiveness in order to feel forgiven but the renewed, grace filled part says in Christ your life is made new.

God is truly great. His blessings are abundant. Prayer is powerful.

to love means to let go

I apologized to an ex-friend on facebook two days ago. I haven't talked to this person in four years. I've seen this person several times in the past but I couldn't make peace with her. I still have not received a response letter and I don't blame her. The same day I wrote an apology letter, I finished reading Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll. A Pastor gave it to me a year ago but I coudn't bring myself to read it until I was ready. The book spoke to me and it was the first book I devoured in such a short time frame (i finished it in two days). Anyway this book and some of the sermons I've been listening to online, inspired my faith. I just wanted to make peace with the past. I've realized that there are just too many people I have wronged. I can't help but feel discouraged. I kept thinking the past will hinder the plans God has in store for me. But then I remember that by God's grace in Jesus Christ i am forgiven. The legalist in me says you need to seek forgiveness in order to feel forgiven but the renewed, grace filled part says in Christ your life is made new.

God is truly great. His blessings are abundant. Prayer is powerful.